Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC)

The Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) is a multi-stakeholder council that brings leadership together to create and champion solutions to better integrate skilled immigrants in the Toronto Region labour market. We help employers and immigrants find solutions.

Success Skills Centre

Success Skills Centre (SSC) helps immigrant professionals seeking to work and become accredited in Canada, to be able to use their home country occupations, education, and training sooner than later.

Saskatoon Open Door Society

The Saskatoon Open Door Society welcomes refugees and displaced people from around the globe by providing assistance with airport receptions, interpretation and translation services, housing, income support, health cards and medical appointments, transportation, grocery shopping, and registering children for school.

Rural Manitoba Immigrant Employment Council

The Rural Manitoba Immigrant Employment Council (RMIEC) is guided through the strategic direction of an Advisory Committee and hosted by a not-for-profit organization. The RMIEC provides Rural MB employers with solutions, tools, and resources they need to attract, hire, and retain qualified immigrants.

Regional Connections Immigrant Services

Regional Connections is a one-stop-shop organization that provides services, resources, and referrals for newcomers. We provide settlement services, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and literacy classes for adults, employment services for unemployed or underemployed.

Opportunities for Employment

Opportunities for Employment (OFE) offers free employment services designed to connect job seekers and employers to create long term, sustainable matches and grow our local labour market.

Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC)

The Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC) is Ontario’s tourism and hospitality workforce development organization. This not-for-profit organization delivers award-winning skills training, consulting, research and insight – guiding workforce strategy and evidence-based investment.

Multicultural Agency of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA)

The Multicultural Agency of the Greater Moncton Area (MAGMA) is a settlement organization supports newcomers build their new home in our region by providing various services that help newcomers access essential settlement services, learn about living in Canada, develop new social and professional skills and learn English.

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