Regional Connections Immigrant Services

Regional Connections is a one-stop-shop organization that provides services, resources, and referrals for newcomers. We provide settlement services, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and literacy classes for adults, employment services for unemployed or underemployed.

Regina Open Door Society

RODS is a non-profit organization that helps newcomers to Canada settle in Regina. It offers employment services, success stories, leadership programs, and events on various topics related to immigration and integration.

(Pickering) Welcome Centre Immigrant Services

The Welcome Centres in Durham Region and York Region help you in person or by phone, email or video to provide the following services: Settlement Services, Employment Supports, Accreditation Qualification and Information Services, Language Interpretation Supports, E-Learning Language Classes, and Enhanced Language Training.


MOSAIC provides services to immigrants, refugees, and those from diverse backgrounds to help advance an inclusive and thriving Canada. Our staff and partners work together through employment, settlement, and language services to further the success and sense of belonging of newcomers.

Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations

The Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) is an umbrella organization for immigrant and refugee service providers in the Province of Manitoba. MANSO provides leadership, support and a unified voice for the settlement and integration sector, including core settlement services, language training, employment services, and welcoming communities programs.

Lifeline Challenge

Lifeline Challenge works with citizens, donors, community organizations and employers to develop and deliver innovative education, training and employment pathways and strategies for refugees fleeing to Canada.

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